Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tis the season is not Pretty

During the months of November to February, and days start getting shorter and colder, and the nights are longer and darker. Climate change seems to affect many people and they can not understand why tend to feel sad and miserable. This is called winter depression or mood disorder seasonal affective disorder (SAD).According to E. Rosenthal Norman, the doctor who coined the term SAD in 1984, winter depression has a sound medical basis involves changes in mood centers in the body caused by shorter daylight hours and the lack of sunlight. Most people who suffer from depression feel a sense of isolation and absolute unity. But the fact that many people go through the same frown at this time of year brings a sense of comfort and reassurance that they are not alone. As the cliché goes, "misery loves company."
According to statistics from seasonal depression, 500,000 people in the UK experience some form of winter depression, while doctors and estimates that have affected 20% of the population, or people close to 2 million in Sweden by this condition.
One of the most effective treatments and clinically proven for the CAS is "light therapy", which has been shown to receive approximately 80-85% of SAD. It is as simple as it may seem, and treatment is actually more than just turn on the light and sat next to him while twiddling your thumbs while you wait for renewable energy "power-up" your whole being.
National average office light or trivial issue 200-500 lux (a lux is a unit of photometric), while the minimum 2500 lux for relieving symptoms of seasonal depression. On the other hand, can we clear days in summer and to reach a density of 100,000 lux.
Based on these specifications, invented a number of specially designed light boxes emit just the right amount of light. The SAD symptoms gradually disappear by sitting in front of the other for about 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the severity of the condition.
The therapy may be the best treatment for SAD since the symptoms are concerned. However, you can address the root causes of the situation involving both antidepressants and psychotherapy drugs, especially for those who have severe symptoms.

Studies have shown that the incidence of SAD increases significantly as you go 30 degrees north or south latitude, and when the condition is almost unheard of in tropical countries. The trip may or holiday traffic to these countries the equator seems impractical, but certainly can improve mood and well-being.
Watch movies characterized by warm, sunny, show an improvement of climate been demonstrated in the mood. Research shows that any movie with a dash of blue sky, palm trees and the absence of snow should be treated the film.
Has the same effect leads to improve mood just looking outdoor sports like cricket or golf. However, it was found more exposure to snooker, darts, bowling for an internal investigation into a state of depression, catatonic trance that, in severe cases, leads to the collapse of the entire mental health.

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