Saturday, September 15, 2012

"The world is constantly growing organic skin care"

We all know that eating foods that contain artificial additives are not good for our health, especially the skin. It has been said that if you want to take care of your well-being, then what you put on your skin can be as important as what you eat or drink. According to reports, are absorbed chemicals that we use on our skin directly in our body. Estimated that the average woman absorbs up to two kilograms per person per year of cosmetics and toiletries alone. Cosmetics is also a decent insanely high-tech, and NASA scientists with creams and development laboratory dedicated to research in complex components. These are all adorable young jobseekers, but sometimes longed simple life, and it's time to look for alternatives. This is probably why there are a lot of people who are turning to organic skin care.
Organic skin care is an area of ​​the organic movement has made real progress in recent times, where previously there were few options. But now there is a relatively wide range of grooming products available out there. Organic skin care products are increasingly popular due to concerns about the chemicals used in many products. Studies have shown that up to 60 percent of applied creams or makeup can penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream. Whether or not the causes of health problems, raised some concern and it is not surprising, biological and health and beauty market is booming, where sales rose by about 20 percent each year.

In recent years, there has been years of organic beauty products tremendous growth in popularity and demand, because organic skin care products are the ideal choice for people who can not apply the chemicals improved.
One can find many of the criteria "organic" as a skin care and health products. There certification bodies that seek to establish systems of what constitutes a 100% organic. How do you know the consumer what membership really means? Because we buy labeled organic skin care and health products, we expect these assets to automatically 100% synthetic and artificial ingredients. But given the tremendous growth of the organic sector in recent years also have ample opportunity for some traders to promote and sell products inorganic and organic. And therefore, can not be products marketed as "organic" is made up of industrial components still dangerous.

And should be described as 100% organic products do not include synthetic ingredients in everything, and a commitment to the use of industrial products during the manufacturing process. Product. Thus, the amount of natural ingredients in cosmetics and other products organic skin care has not yet been examined.

Even before shopping for organic skin care, and do some research work on the brand. Always go for brands that are committed to providing skin care products and guaranteed effective that your skin becomes only the best. If we were shocked to discover the risk of many of the materials used in our daily lives makeup, shampoo, bath and shower, why not give ourselves and our fatherland favor, let's go organic!

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