Saturday, September 15, 2012

"Social Killer"

Afraid to go to a meeting to speak to a customer? You need to make a speech but feel like fainting at the thought of going in front of the class to do? Afraid of attending a social event for no apparent reason? You may be suffering from a social anxiety disorder.

Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is a type of mental disorder where intense fear or unreasonable in the face of social events where there is a possibility that you might get embarrassed or ridiculed and. Most of the time, and concerns arising from the intense fear of exposure or near control - simple things like how to dress, talk or act; commercial functions such performances before a critical crowd of people, make an offer, or the end of an interview for a job application. This type of phobia gives sufferers a feeling of falling or shut away from the world.

Dis is closely related to shyness Social Anxiety Disorder. Social phobia, however different in the sense that it disrupts the normal functions of socialization. It is true that every person goes through the stage of shyness in their lives and overcome something different. When it becomes a large number of counties that your daily life and relationships where you're sick of anxiety, it is time for a lawyer. It is good to know the signs and symptoms of social anxiety disorder to be able to identify and deal with the situation before it gets worse.

People with social phobia two basic types of clear symptoms: mental and physical. Psychological symptoms include: intense fear of being in situations that were not known to people, and fear of situations that may be deemed to you, worry embarrassing or humiliating yourself, fear that other will notice that you seem worried that anxiety disrupts daily routine, things work, school or other activities, and to avoid or to talk to people, fear of embarrassment, and avoid situations that could be the center of attention. Physical symptoms include redness, sweating, tremor, nausea, stomach pain, and difficulty in speech, clear sound, muscle tension, confusion, palpitations, diarrhea, and cold and clammy hands, and difficulty making eye contact.

Basically, it shows symptoms of phobia of being too anxious about others. I think those who suffer more confident than others, some are better than them. They feel uncomfortable with people making it difficult for them to eat and drink, work and ask questions, request dates, even going to the toilet, when others were around.

The good news is that there is a cure for this disease. Over the last 20 years has proven combination of psychotherapy and medication useful for reducing the effects, if not cure, this mental state. And the use of certain antidepressants (paroxetine, sertraline and venlafaxine) and anxiolytics and beta-blockers to help people to balance social phobia certain chemicals in the brain and reduce panic attacks during periods of more growing concern. Talk therapy teaches people with social anxiety disorder to react differently to situations of concern. Therapist helps the patient cope with negative feelings about social situations and fear of being judged by others. Patients learn how their thinking patterns add to the symptoms of social anxiety disorder and how to change their thinking and therefore the symptoms begin to diminish.

To be ashamed of completely natural, all went through a similar phase. Get beyond that is the hard part. Ultimately, it ends to build confidence at a certain level for you to be comfortable enough to move naturally. In case you have been diagnosed with you and phobic social, it is not to be ashamed. With a little therapy and appropriate medication and adequate support to people who believe in you, you will be able to do it slowly and community functioning normally within a group without also involved.

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