Saturday, September 15, 2012

Three principles to overcome obstacles Fitness

If you're like me, and we strive to be fit and weight management feels overwhelming. And, as if she wanted to be fit is not hard enough, there are other obstacles to overcome: often health problems, time management, so a lot of courage and energy. Even if you've been practicing for a long time, and there are always new barriers to be broken. So, how to put it all in perspective?
According to Tom Turner, contact the Spina Bifida is exactly that: point of view. In addition, according to him, there is no mountain too high to climb. And you know Tom. Paralyzed from the waist down since birth, he was now 35 and trains about three times a week. In fact, tell me, it may not happen the year.

Even in my search for the last word on overcoming barriers to fitness, Tom sat me and we got together with three basic principles that will help you break the fear and intimidation in trying to achieve the re- form. (After all, if it can be done on a regular basis, should not be encouraged enough to give one a shot?)

Principle No. 1 Jump to fear.

"Do you mind training believe any mountain too high or any other purpose may be difficult to achieve," says Tom. Basically, it is to respond to your fears and face to face to face. In this principle, and aims to identify your fears and then recognize and move through it. Ask yourself what makes you uncomfortable? Do not be out of shape and are afraid that you will never come back? Do you have an injury that is what led you to be afraid of your body? If you can visualize creatively, you can put your fears at bay. See yourself as you want to be. Remember: your body loves you and has the ability to heal itself to perfection. Your only job is to trust and listen.

Q: What is your body telling you?

Principle No. 2 Trust your intuition.

It is important when overcoming obstacles and learn how to break the barriers begin to listen to the small voice of the body. In most cases, we all want the comfort of having someone tell us what we can and can not do. However, the truth is the highest in us. This does not mean that the good opinion of others are not important, but in the end the decision comes from within.

When faced with a challenge or an obstacle to see how you feel. What are your instincts telling you? Is often simply your instinct that will transport you into a new mindset and raise your consciousness. "I was not about to let it sit in a wheelchair in my way, 'said Tom. In fact, he said he just had to change his point of view on this subject. He says he was the first to discover that its limitations and then create boundaries for itself. "We all have limits," says Lee. "Regardless of whether a person can walk or not, obstacles are as unique as the people themselves, so it is best to know one limit."

Then Tom told me that he intends to meet these limits. "I am the first top I can within the limits of what I can do. Whether larger groups, representatives or more stamina, and I leave as much time as necessary to achieve my goals small size. It always surprised me with small steps, and how can I quickly than a big goal. "

Principle # 3 Sweet to go to a good night.

What future for fear? I wanted to know. If we turn to face the fear and facing the fear if we meet? "So," I asked Tom: "Have you ever fear that" After 19 operations in my life, and I've come to really understand the fear, "he said." Because it really comes down to the most primitive fear, and fear of death. Once you realize that death is part of a divine plan, it is free, you can let it go, and instead, choose how to live. So instead of being afraid of death, I decided to choose how to live. '

So what is the take away message? Talk to Tom, and I remembered a poem by Dylan Thomas, who said. "Do not go to this cute goodnight" It seems appropriate here. The bottom line: Stay fear often prevents us from really living. Tom reminds me that a positive attitude is the key "life is a matter of attitude." He also says he can not let fear beat him down, but he does not. " I do not want to miss being part of tomorrow, "he concludes. He said that the concerns are obtained your way? Make today a good time to cope.

In conclusion: life beyond borders.

When you faced your fears and push the limits of the edges, then what? I wanted to know. Tom smiled. "Finding a new mountain to climb," says a fait accompli. "This is what makes a mockery of life. And I know I need considerations. And I know there will be days when I need stay in bed and rest while arcs become adjusted mine. It is at these moments when I am with my thoughts that I decide what I'm going to put scenes on my own. "

Author's Note: In my personal quest to live outside the limits you chose Tom as a league model (fortunately for me, this is my brother). We often look to these sources of media are often wrong. There is a "real" people do great things in all directions ... Look around you, angels everywhere! Learn from them. Choose someone you admire or admire you appreciate their values. Targets, climbing! Set the intention of the animation process and enjoy good health.

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