Saturday, August 18, 2012

"Point of collapse: Factors behind the madness"

What a person can lead to madness? Certainly, this madness is generally accepted (or misunderstood), and usually wears some kind of stigma in the popular consciousness. If you think that in modern psychology and psychiatry, and there are thousands of forms of dementia a person may end up developing over a lifetime. Some, such as depression, are temporary, while others, such as social anxiety, require more work for one person to pass through. However, there seems to be common ground with regard to the following, in fact in most forms of madness that people spend. Which brings us to the issue of support: Is there a common, basic operator that affects the stability of the mental health of people?
Is often cited such things as tension, anxiety, and the most common (and more rare) are run from mental health problems by one of two. Can be long-term exposure to stress may have to pay someone behind the "breaking point" of their own, with a form of madness that will eventually be affected by external factors. This is often a long and arduous process, because most people have a degree of resistance to such things, so they can survive at least in the difficult period of sanity intact. In addition, the process can not really even lead to madness, with most of the population as evidence of this theory. And can be pressure for long periods affect the person's behavior and expectations, but it is also known that several other factors can increase or reduce the impact of this. In some cases, it can stress and anxiety to be just the opposite effect, depending on the personal views of the individual.

He also said emotions play a key role in behavior or to drive people to madness, with the feelings of the very closely related to mental health. The state can not love a person is often a reflection of the state with respect to a person of psychological stability, but can also become a mental health break. There is no doubt that emotions can affect and influence the thought processes of a person and make them do things they would not normally do. It was also noted that cases of a very emotional and psychological trauma and emotional heavy can affect permanently in the mind of any person, resulting often in a situation that requires treatment, and overcome in the end. However, it is doubtful that emotion rather than simply increase the effects of stress and pressure, and is not a factor in itself.

The shock of the frequently cited as drastic effects on the mental health of a person, especially if it occurs during the formative years. Psychological and emotional effects that can have a severe shock in many cases, to afford a spent force. Breaking point, with lasting effects on their mental health, however, it should be noted that the shock tends to be some sort of a combination of pressures, emotional, and usually mixed with extreme circumstances. Weak self of the person plays a greater role here than in other possible causes of insanity, and that is why in shock later in life does not have the same effect as similar events experienced during childhood.

In the end, and madness is one thing, such as mental health, must be defined on an individual basis. What is a reasonable person in a society can not be considered as such by another person in the same company. Madness is a matter of context in this case, a hypothesis that some psychological texts do.

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